Community Service
Image: New Family, New Headland Golf Club_Wade Hodge
Community Service Announcements.
They’re free on Sunshine FM.
Give your not-for-profit organisation or event a boost by promoting it on the Sunshine Coast’s radio station.
Please read the information below, then click on the button at the end of this page to submit your CSA request.
Terms Of Service
We need to receive your CSA request at least 21 days prior to the event, although 30 days is better!
Not-for-profit organisations, charities and clubs are welcome to submit CSAs to promote their organisations and events. Commercial organisations and profit-based activities are not eligible for this free service.
The duration of your CSA should be no more than 20 seconds. That’s about 60 words, including words like ‘the’ and ‘a’.
Focus on the key points and don’t ‘over-write’ your message.
Avoid formality. Make it conversational, as if you were telling someone about your event.
Don’t use abbreviations. Some examples of what to avoid:
Numbers under 10 should be in word form (eg, one, five, nine)
Dates like 1st, 2nd, 28th should appear as first, second, twenty-eighth
Dates like 1 July or 16 September, for example, should appear as the first of July or the sixteenth of September
Months should appear as January or August for example, not Jan or Aug
Days of the week should appear as Monday or Saturday for example, not Mon or Sat
‘&’ should appear as ‘and’
‘etc’ (et cetera) is never used in our scripts
No quotation marks, dashes, slashes or brackets [eg, “ “, -, /, ( ) -]
And finally, no line breaks. Just submit a single paragraph of information.
Acceptance and broadcast of submitted material is entirely at the discretion of Sunshine FM.
Due to the volume of requests we receive, we may decline to accept submissions that fall outside these Terms of Service.
If you have any questions, please email us at community@sunshinefm.com.au